Plan for the Future 2021

Looking forward to our 150th anniversary in 2027, we have formulated the five-year medium-term “Gakushuin Plan for the Future 2021”, which will be implemented over the five years from 2017 to 2021, based on our educational goal of imbuing in our students a broad outlook, strong creativity, and deep sensitivity.

Ⅰ Educational reform grounded in Gakushuin’s history and the needs of the times

Since our founding, Gakushuin has shown respect for the exceptional history handed down through successive generations while undergoing numerous changes, as we have sought to differentiate ourselves from other schools on the basis of our school code and educational goals; and with the aim of enhancing Gakushuin’s intrinsic presence by meeting the increasingly higher aspirations of our stakeholders we will implement educational reforms to make Gakushuin an institution that garners ever higher regard from all corners of society.

Ⅱ Strengthening inter-school collaboration to bring out the best of Gakushuin’s collective capabilities

While appreciating the long-standing traditions unique to each of Gakushuin’s schools as well as their respective distinguishing features, by strengthening collaboration between these schools we bring out the best of Gakushuin’s collective capabilities, enabling our vertically-integrated school framework to further enhance the quality of our education. In addition, we also contribute to society by enhancing our collaboration with the industrial arena and the communities around both universities.

Ⅲ Maintaining an environment that facilitates steady improvement in educational quality

In addition to implementing policies to realize Goals I and II of the medium-term plan, in the long-term perspective as we approach the 150th anniversary of our founding we will work on measures to lay the necessary foundation for the continued improvement of the quality of education as we look to the future.

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