



I am very grateful and honored that I was lucky enough to receive a ¥120,000 scholarship from Gakushuin. Thanks to this scholarship, studying and discovering Japan was a peaceful adventure. I was lucky enough to experience many different things such as going on a trip to Kamakura during which we visited many different temples and sanctuaries.
Life as an exchange student can be stressful sometimes but thanks to this scholarship I was able to focus on enjoying this wonderful experience along with the beauty of Japan and its culture.


I believe that this kind of scholarship is the best way to show support to exchange students in Gakushuin. Being an exchange student is a privilege and especially in such a beautiful and prestigious university.
By helping us through this scholarship, you’re also honoring the beauty and kindness of Gakushuin University. Having the honor to receive this scholarship is also a great lesson for us, a lesson of generosity and altruism. I would like to thank every person that helped us in this journey, especially through this scholarship.
