Student Categories

At Gakushuin University, students are roughly classified into the following five categories:

1) Regular students

These are students regularly attending courses to study for a degree.
Overseas students entering the university and passing the special entrance examination for overseas students are qualified to be regular students.

2) Commissioned students

These are students commissioned by Japan's governmental agencies, foreign governments, etc., and the university allows these students to attend classes and conduct research at the university. Such students, however, cannot earn degrees at the university.

3) Students attending classes to obtain credits

These are students who are admitted to attend classes given at the university in order to obtain up to 20 credits (for undergraduates) and up to 16 credits (for postgraduates). Through attending one class, students can usually obtain between two and four credits.

4) Research students

These are students who are allowed to conduct research for six months or one year under instruction from the university's full-time teachers. Such students cannot earn degrees at the university.

5) Overseas students studying under the student exchange programme

These are overseas students who are allowed to learn at the university for one year based on exchange agreements concluded between the university and overseas universities. Such students cannot earn degrees at the university.

