

= 利用上の注意 =
誌 名
期 間
出 版 社
備 考
【 A
ACS Chemical Biology Vol.1(2006) -- ACS
Acta Crystallographica, Section D, Biological Crystallography Vol.49(1993) -- Wiley  
Acta Crystallographica, Section F, Strucutral Biology and 〜 Vol.1(1948) -- Wiley  
Angewandte Chemie International Edition Vol.1(1962) -- Wiley
Annual Review of Biochemistry Vol.77(2008) -- Annual Reviews
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Vol.28(2012) -- Annual Reviews
Annual Review of Neuroscience Vol.35(2012) -- Annual Reviews
Applied and Environmental Microbiology Vol.1(1953) -- ASM
【 B
Biochemical Journal Vol.1(1906) -- Portland
Biochemistry Vol.1(1962) -- ACS
Bioconjugate Chemistry Vol.1(1990) -- ACS
Biomacromolecules Vol.1(2000) -- ACS
【 C
Cancer Cell Vol.1(2002) -- Elsevier  
Cancer Research Vol.1(1941) -- AACR
Cell Vol.1(1974) -- Elsevier
ChemBioChem Vol.1(2000) --Vol.13(2012) Wiley
ChemMedChem Vol.1(2006) --Vol.7(2012) Wiley
Cell Stem Cell Vol.1(2007) -- Elsevier
Cell Chemical Biology (Formerly as Chemistry & Biology) Vol.1(1994) -- Elsevier
Communications Biology (2018) -- Springer Nature    
Current Biology Vol.1(1991) -- Elsevier
Current Opinion in Cell Biology Vol.7(1995) -- Elsevier
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development Vol.5(1995) -- Elsevier
Current Opinion in Insect Science Vol.1(2014) -- Elsevier
Current Opinion in Plant Biology Vol.1(1998) -- Elsevier
Current Opinion in Structural Biology Vol.5(1995) -- Elsevier
【 D
Development Vol.1(1953) -- Co. Biologists
Developmental Biology Vol.167(1995) -- Elsevier
Developmental Cell Vol.1(2001) -- Elsevier
DNA Repair Vol.1(2002) -- Elsevier
【 E
The EMBO Journal Vol.16(1997) -- EMBO Press.
EMBO reports Vol.1(2000) -- EMBO Press
Eukaryotic Cell Vol.1(2002) -- ASM
【 F
The FEBS Journal Vol.1(1967) -- Wiley
FEBS Letters Vol.1(1968) -- Vol.589(2015) Elsevier
【 G
Genes to Cells Vol.1(1996) -- Wiley
Genes and Development Vol.1(1987) -- CSHLP
Genetics Vol.1(1916) -- Genetics Soc. Am.  
【 H
【 I
【 J
Journal of Bacteriology Vol.1(1916) -- ASM
The Journal of Biochemistry Vol.1(1922) -- Oxford U.P.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol.1(1905) -- ASBMB
The Journal of Cell Biology Vol.1(1955) -- Rockefeller U.P.
Journal of Cell Science Vol.1(1853) -- Co. Biologists
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Vol.1(1959) -- ACS
Journal of Molecular Biology Vol.245(1995) -- Elsevier
Journal of Natural Products Vol.42(1979) -- ACS
Journal of Neurochemistry Vol.68(1997) -- Wiley  1年以上前Free
The Journal of Neuroscience Vol.1(1981) -- Soc. Neurosci. 6ヶ月以上前Free
Journal of Proteome Research Vol.1(2002) -- ACS
【 K
【 L
【 M
Mechanisms of Development Vol.49(1995) -- Elsevier
Microbiology Vol.1(1947) -- Soc. Gen. Microbiol.
Molecular Biology of the Cell Vol.1(1989) -- ASCB  
Molecular Cell Vol.1(1997) -- Elsevier
Molecular and Cellular Biology Vol.1(1981) -- ASM  
Molecular Microbiology Vol.23(1997) -- Wiley
Molecular Pharmaceutics Vol.1(2004) -- ACS
Molecular Pharmacology Vol.51(1997) - Vol.83(2013) ASPET
【 N
Nature Vol.325(1987) -- Springer Nature  
Nature Cell Biology Vol.1(1999) -- Springer Nature    
Nature Communications (2010) -- Springer Nature    
Nature Genetics Vol.19(1998) -- Springer Nature  
Nature Stuctural and Molecular Biology Vol.19(2012) -- Springer Nature    
Neuron Vol.1(1988) -- Elsevier
Nucleic Acids Research Vol.24(1996) -- Oxford U.P.
【 O
【 P
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of U.S.A Vol.1(1915) -- NAS  
Protein Engineering, Design and Selection Vol.9(1996) -- Oxford U.P. 1年以上前Free
Protein Science Vol.1(1992) -- Wiley
【 R
【 S
Science Vol.1(1895) -- AAAS  
Scientific Reports (2011) -- Springer Nature    
Structure Vol.1(1993) -- Elsevier  
【 T
Trends in Biochemical Sciences Vol.20(1995) -- Elsevier
Trends in Cell Biology Vol.5(1995) -- Elsevier
Trends in Genetics Vol.11(1995) -- Elsevier
Trends in Neurosciences Vol.18(1995) -- Elsevier
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences Vol.16(1995) -- Elsevier
Trends in Plant Science Vol.1(1996) -- Elsevier
【 V
【 W
【 Z