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入学を希望する外国人学生の皆さんへ先輩留学生からFrom Alumni

Mengyan CAO (ソウ ムガン) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Beijing Foreign Studies University (北京外国語大学), China
Enrolled: Department of Law
Duration: Apr.2013 - Mar.2014

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Simin LIU (リュウ シビン) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Beijing Foreign Studies University (北京外国語大学), China
Enrolled: Department of Political Studies
Duration: Apr.2013 - Mar.2014

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Sumin KIM (キム スミン) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Kyungpook National University (慶北大学校), Korea
Enrolled: Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Duration: Sept.2013 - Aug.2014

유학이 결정됐을 때, 생각보다 담담하게 받아들였던 기억이 난다. 일본에 가는것도 처음이 아니었고, 스스로 잘 해낼 수 있을 것이라는 희미한 자신감도 있었다. 하지만 큰 캐리어를 끌고 처음 일본에 내린 날, 홀로 남겨졌다는 생각에 복잡미묘한 기분으로 기숙사로 향하는 전철을 탔었다. 아직도 또렷하게 기억이 나는 그 날은 9월에도 불구하고 한여름처럼 더운 날이었다. 지친 나는 멀리서 들려오는 매미소리를 들으며 낮잠에 빠졌었다. 그 날부터 벌써 1년가까이 흘러, 나는 귀국준비를 하고 있다. 시간은 착실히 흘러가고 있는데, 내내 안의 시계는 아직 작년 9월 그대로인 기분이다.
유학생활을 돌아보면, 무엇보다도 학교공부에 바쁜 1년이었다. 일본은 물론 타대학에서 공부하는 것 또한 처음이라 새로운 시스템에 적응하기가 어려웠지만, 그보다 더 어려웠던건 강의에 적응하는 것이었다. 나는 일본에 가기전에 스스로 나의 일본어능력 정도면 수업을 받는데 지장이 없을거라고 생각하고 있었다. 하지만 이것은 나의 큰 오산이었다. 전공과목 강의는 내 생각보다 훨씬 더 어렵고, 복잡했으며, 배경지식의 부족을 느끼게 했다. 처음 몇몇 강의를 들어보고는 당장에 수강을 포기하게 만든 가장 큰 요인이 바로 배경지식의 부족. 일본인 학생들은 중~고등학교 교육을 거치며 자연스레 얻어온 역사적/문화적 배경지식을 바탕으로 강의를 듣지만, 나는 그러한 지식이 현저히 부족하기 때문에 몇몇 과목(특히 역사에 관련된 과목)은 애초에 수강을 포기해야 할 정도였다. 또한 경북대학교는 9월학기(후기)부터 학습원대학에 유학생을 파견하기 때문에, 통년수업이 많은 학습원대학의 강의에 적응하기는 더더욱 어려웠다. 이미 절반이 진행된 수업에 중간부터 참가하는것은 결코 쉬운 일이 아니다. 하지만 모른다고 해서 강의를 듣지 않을수는 없는 일이었다. 모르는 부분은 버디나 다른 일본인 친구들에게 물어가며 나는 시험도 치르고, 레포트도 제출할 수 있었다. 특히 SA는 일주일에 한 번 또는 두 번, 정기적으로 일본인 학생과 만나서 공부하는 유학생 지원 프로그램으로, 나는 2013년 후기에 이 프로그램에 참가했다. 일주일에 두 번, 1:1형식으로 네이티브에게 수업 관련으로 여러가지 서포트를 받을 수 있었는데, 덕분에 일본어 악센트 시험을 무사히 넘겼던 기억이 난다. [more]

학과공부 이외에도 여러가지 즐거운 추억이 많이 있다. 일본에 온지 얼마 안 된 가을날, 국제교류센터 주최로 버스여행을 갔다. 후지산의 중턱까지 버스로 올라갔는데, 구름이 많이 껴서 후지산의 모양이 제대로 보이지 않아 조금 아쉬웠다.그리고 긴긴 겨울방학에는 유학생 친구, 일본인 친구와 어울려 하코네까지 여행을 갔다. 온천여관으로 숙소를 잡고 1박을 했는데, 예상치 못한 폭설로 타고있던 버스가 미끄러지는 사고로 발이 묶여 아주 곤란했던 해프닝이 있었다. 그렇지만 눈이 내린 다음 날 하코네의 풍경은 너무나 깨끗하고, 눈부시게 아름다웠다. 하코네에서도 후지산을 볼 수 있는데, 이 날은 날씨가 너무나 좋아서 지난번에 보지 못했던 후지산을 깨끗하게 볼 수 있었다. 그리고 여름방학에는 친구들과 어울려 스미다강의 불꽃놀이를 보러갔다. 다같이 여름 전통의상인 유카타를 입고, 스미다강 강둑에서 한시간이나 계속되는 불꽃놀이를 지켜봤다. 자리가 멀어서 선명하게 보이지는 않았지만, 시원한 음료수도 마시고 맛있는 음식도 먹으며 사진도 찍고, 정말 즐거운 하루를 보냈다. 불꽃놀이를 본 날은, 내가 한국으로 돌아가기 1주일이 남은 날이었다. 연신 웃으며 하루를 보냈지만, 펑펑 터지는 불꽃놀이를 지켜보며 나름대로 일본을 떠날 마음의 준비를 한 날이기도 했다.
유학은 정말 흔한 표현을 빌려 말하자면 길다 하면 길고, 짧다고 하면 짧은 1년. 언제 1년을 다 보낼까 하고 첫날은 생각했다. 하지만 지나고 보니, 정말로 '쏜 살 같이'지나간 1년이었다. 이 1년동안 나는 내면적으로 성숙하는 시간을 가졌다. 집을 떠나 완전히 혼자가 되는 시간은 태어나서 처음이었다. 친구들과 떠들고 이야기하고 즐겁게 노는 시간만큼, 혼자서 생각하고 고민에 잠기는 시간 또한 늘었다. 정말 다른 사람들의 수많은 유학후기처럼, 이런 혼자 생각하는 시간을 거쳐서 나는 인간적으로 성장했다. 대학생이라고, 어른이라고 하며, 사실은 정신적으로 타인에게 의존하는 부분이 많았던 나는, 이제 정말로 오롯이 나홀로 자립할 수 있게 되었다. 새로운 인간관계, 새로운 환경이 처음에는 큰 스트레스로 다가왔지만, 이제는 동요하지 않고 받아들일 수 있을 것만 같다. 말로 전하기 힘든 느낌이지만, 유학 전보다 더 마음이 단단해진 기분이다. 공부도 놀이도 중요하지만, 이게 바로 내가 유학에서 얻은 가장 큰 수확이 아닐까 싶다.
하지만 생각해보면, 이 모두 결국 혼자서는 이뤄낼 수 없는 시간들이다. 계속해서 지켜봐주신 국제교류센터 스태프 여러분, 그리고 친구들에게 정말로 감사의 말을 전하고 싶다.

Yedalm CHOI (チェ イェダム) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Dongguk University (東国大学校), Korea
Enrolled: Department of Economics
Duration: Apr.2013 - Mar.2014

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우선 1년간의 유학을 무사히 마치게 되어 감사하게 생각합니다.
가쿠슈인 대학에서 1년간을 자신의 대학과는 다른 새로운 방식의 공부도 해보고 일본인 학생들과 다른 유학생을 비롯한 여러 사람을 만나서 같이 대화하거나 놀러 다니면서 경험한 일들 덕분에 정말 즐거운 1년을 보낼 수 있었고 자신의 세계관 또한 넓힐 수 있었다고 생각합니다.
이제 유학도 끝나고 대학 생활도 끝나가지만 일본 가쿠슈인 대학에서 보낸 1년간의 기억은 평생 지니고 갈 것 같습니다.

Jeongyeon HEO (ホ ジョンヨン) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Dongguk University (東国大学校), Korea
Enrolled: Department of Management
Duration: Apr.2013 - Mar.2014

저는 가쿠슈인에서 1년동안 경영학을 전공했습니다. 처음 전공 수업을 들었을 때에는 어려운 한자, 어휘에 많이 힘들었었지만 일본어 수업을 함께 들으면서 점차 익숙해졌습니다. 또, 다양한 종류의 서적이 있는 중앙도서관 뿐만 아니라 각 전공분야별로 심화된 서적을 볼 수 있는 도서관이 있어 일본어뿐 아니라 영어, 한국어로 된 책을 볼 수 있었습니다. 또한 자습실이나 외국어 공부를 할 수 있는 미디어 자료도 다양하게 제공하고 있어서 많은 도움이 되었다고 생각합니다. 가쿠슈인은 유학생, 교환학생에게 많은 도움을 주는 학교라고 생각합니다. 정기적으로 일본 문화를 체험할 수 있는 기회를 마련해주셔서 외국인이 쉽게 접할 수 없는 일본 문화를 경험할 수 있었다고 생각합니다. 또한, 유학생이 참가할 수 있는 이벤트나, 생활에 필요한 정보도 제공해주셔서 좀 더 쉽게 일본에 적응할 수 있었습니다. 1년간의 유학생활동안 다양한 사람을 만나고 다양한 일을 겪으며 제자신이 예전보다 성장할 수 있었던 것 같습니다. 좋은 기회를 만들어 주셔서 감사합니다.

Jenchieh HSUEH (セツ ジンケツ) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Soochow University (東呉大学), Taiwan
Enrolled: Graduate Course in Japanese Language and Literature
Duration: Apr.-Aug.2013

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Tzuwen WANG (オウ シブン) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Soochow University (東呉大学), Taiwan
Enrolled: Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Duration: Apr.-Aug.2013

這次的交換留學雖然只有短短的半年,但收穫很多。 這學期在學習院大學總共修讀九門課,其中有四堂為日文課、三堂系上的專業課程以及一堂體育課。 在日文課中收穫最多的是大江老師的中級日文課,每堂課都會看一則新聞,除了練習聽力,還可以更了解日本的現況以及文化活動等等,看完新聞後會分小組做延伸討論,探討各個國家的狀況,藉此也可以了解來自不同國家的大家的想法。 專業課程的部分我選擇了日本文法、日本語學概論以及日本文學演習三門課程,這三門課就是跟日本人一起上的課程了,一開始會有些吃力,但漸漸地也習慣了日本上課的方式了,譬如說: 每堂課下課前都要寫一份感想,也就是對今天的課程有什麼想法你都可以寫下來,老師可以當作參考也順便當作點名。 另外,一堂課的時間是90分鐘,一開始會覺得好久,但大概一個月後也漸漸習慣了! 在學習院大學裡有很多很樂於跟外國人交流的日本人,他們都很友善,跟他們交流的過程中也可以好好訓練自己的口語能力,畢竟在台灣開口講日文的機會不太多,所以我覺得來到日本留學最重要的就是多多跟日本人聊天。 在這短短的留學過程中,我也去了很多地方旅遊,像是大阪、京都、靜岡、金澤等等,藉由旅行讓自己成長更多了,學會怎麼安排行程、蒐集資料、訂車票及旅館等等的,旅行途中也認識了一些日本人,跟他們聊天的同時也可以對日本有更深一層的了解呢!

Apaporn WIMONSARAWONG (ウィモンサラウォン アパポーン) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Chulalongkorn University (チュラロンコン大学), Thailand
Enrolled: Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Duration: Apr.2013 - Mar.2014

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Orion LETHBRIDGE (レスブリジ オライオン) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Australian National University (オーストラリア国立大学), Australia
Enrolled: Department of History
Duration: Apr.2011 - Mar.2012

My year in Japan at Gakushuin University was a life-changing experience. My thanks to the teachers and students for their warmth. I would especially like to thank the staff and students at the Centre for International Exchange for their kindness and support from start to finish.
While I was studying at Gakushuin University, I lived in Azalea House in Heiwadai. Heiwadai is a quiet suburb, which makes it easy to relax, although the bustle of Ikebukuro is only 15 minutes away on the Metro.
The year at Gakushuin was a great opportunity to experience new things and make wonderful new friends. My Japanese peers were friendly, kind and thoughtful, giving me many great opportunities to experience life at Gakushuin and in Tokyo. At Gakushuin, I was also able to meet students from all over the world. Thanks to these friends, life was never boring. From trawling Harajuku, pineapples in the wretched heat of summer and ice skating in January to dinner and drinks in Ikebukuro, there are always sights to see and things to do in Tokyo. The Centre also provided exchange students with the chance to see traditional Japanese arts, to tour around Tokyo by bus. Gakushuin University also boasts an excellent gym: I think I spent at least half of my time on campus in the training room. Another highlight of living in Tokyo, for me, was access to Japanese and classical Chinese literature: the bookshops in Tokyo are any readers’ dream, as is the Gakushuin library. The National Diet Library in Nagatacho and the secondhand bookstores in Jimbocho are also easily accessible for those of us who enjoy studying.

Damian SPINKS (スピンクス ダミアン) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: University of New South Wales (ニューサウスウェールズ大学), Australia
Enrolled: Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Duration: Sept.2013 - Aug.2014

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Gakushuin is a prestigious, respectable and beautiful university blessed with kind teachers and staff, friendly students and luscious greenery right in the middle of Tokyo. My 1-year exchange at Gakushuin University has given me some of the best moments of my student life thus far and I would highly recommend it to anyone wishing to enjoy Tokyo whilst pursuing a degree.
I was part of the 1-year program and it went by so fast (the fastest year in my life I would say). I was in the Arts Faculty studying Japanese language and Culture and highly enjoyed the Japanese language classes. Although the workload was quite tough, it significantly improved my command of the Japanese language to the point where at the end my exchange I managed to pass the JLPT (N1). The cultural component on the other hand has deepened my understanding of the Japanese culture. The classes are easy to follow but at the same time challenging for Japanese language learners like myself. Luckily, whenever I found myself with some language problems, the teachers and my lovely friends from the International Exchange Centre were always willing to help me out.
The campus is strategically located between Ikebukuro and Shinjuku meaning shops, malls, restaurants, parks and other exciting places are close by and highly accessible which means exploring Tokyo during your free periods with friends is easy and inexpensive (travel-wise that is).
Overall I really enjoyed my exchange at Gakushuin University. I would like to thank the university, the Centre for International Exchange and the honorable Alumni (Oyukai) for hosting me. I cannot say thank you enough. I believe my year at Gakushuin has had an extremely positive impact on my life and will definitely prove useful for my future endeavors in Japan.

Alexander PURCELL (パーセル アレクサンダー) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Victoria University of Wellington (ウェリントン・ヴィクトリア大学), New Zealand
Enrolled: Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Duration: Apr.2012 - Mar.2013


Bobby MORSE (モース ボビー) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: University of North Carolina at Charlotte (ノースカロライナ州立大学シャーロット校), USA
Enrolled: Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Duration: Sept.2011 - Aug.2012

Gakushuin University differs from other universities (that are under an exchange program) in Japan. Since there are a low number of exchange students accepted to the university each year, each exchange student receives personal attention from their professors and assigned tutors. The low number of exchange students also makes it more comfortable building camaraderie with the other exchange students, which makes it easy to enjoy life in Japan.
One of the greatest highlights of studying at Gakushuin University (as an exchange student) was having the privilege to register for non-Japanese language related courses. It was great having the opportunity to experience how standard Japanese courses are conducted and watching the students work together. Another highlight was school life. It was very different, but very welcoming since it was so easy to make new friends and receiving invitations to different events (from students and from the Centre for International Exchange).
It’s been a wonderful and refreshing experience studying at Gakushuin. Interacting with the students, receiving help from the staff, and school life has definitely been a milestone.

Benjamin MALPUS (マルパス ベンジャミン) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Oxford Brookes University (オックスフォード・ブルックス大学), UK
Enrolled: Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Duration: Sept.2013 - Aug.2014

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My exchange year at Gakushuin has been a fantastic experience. I think my year here has been the most exciting and useful of my university degree so far. Being able to study Japanese with native speakers, and attend university with regular Japanese students has been immensely useful. I hope that I can continue to improve as well as stay in touch with the many lovely people that I have met here. The students and staff have been so very helpful.
I very much appreciate the staff at the International Centre for assisting me greatly when I needed help and also for planning very memorable trips for the foreign students to lovely locations. Studying in a wonderful, modern campus, at a university of high regard has been a privilege. I only wish that I could continue to study here.
Thanks to this positive experience I would love to return to Japan after my graduation, continue learning, and hopefully find a job. I would like to thank all the people who have helped me this year.

Sabrina VERSEN (フェアセン サブリナ) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: University of Mannheim (マンハイム大学), Germany
Enrolled: Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Duration: Sept.2014 - Mar.2015

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In December 2013 I got nominated to apply for studying abroad at 学習院大学 for one semester. Before my arrival in Japan several documents had to be submitted and an essay about my personal goals and motivation for studying at the University.

In general all the administrative issues appeared in a large number but the Centre for International Exchange was always very helpful and friendly regarding all questions. The biggest help I received was from my buddies. They helped me with paying the rent, buying the subway ticket, going to the ward office, reading the syllabus and selecting my courses. Very soon they become good friends and we also did some trips and spent time while exploring Tokyo.

The courses I choose were mainly from the Department of Political Studies and some were language courses and economic courses. Due to my limited Japanese language ability my options where limited to the highest degree but I was still able to have some very interesting classes. It was a challenge to take classes that are not related to my major field of studies but this was important to broaden my understanding and definitely helped me to become more critical and creative. The language classes I took were only basic classes but they are absolutely appropriate for students whose focus is not the Japanese Language in their home university. For Japanese Language Students the basic classes are probably too easy. For extra support with Japanese it is possible to sign up for a SA (student assistant). 2 hours per week meetings are possible and questions can be asked, presentations can be practiced and texted can be corrected. [more]

Through the Centre for International Exchange it is possible to apply for an accommodation in one of the dorms. My temporary home was Azalea House in 平和台. Especially for students who go for only one semester my recommendation is to apply for this dorm. Living with many internationals is very nice and helps getting used to a new environment more smooth. At the same time it is not too far away from the university. By evaluating the circumstances and the price, it is definitely a good place to stay.

Apart from my studies I was also able to travel and explore the beautiful country I stayed in. With subway or railroad nearly every place is Tokyo is fast accessible. Transportation is very convenient. Another very convenient thing is コンビニ. During the Christmas time I was able to travel. So I spent the time traveling to 沖縄、京都、大阪、韓国、日光 and I had a trip with a seminar for skiing in 野沢温泉. An amazing journey that allowed me to see the different types of beauty in Japan.

During my time in Japan I learned more about the culture, the style of studying and style of living. There is still a lot more to discover but I’m very happy for this opportunity. In the future I really want to improve my Language ability more because I was able to improve a lot during my stay and now I feel that if I study hard and try my best I have a great chance to become a lot better for my next travel to Japan.

Besilda MAMAJ (ママイ ベシルダ) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: University of Bayreuth (バイロイト大学), Germany
Enrolled: Department of Management
Duration: Sept.2014 - Mar.2015

I'm an exchange student from Germany studying Business Administration. Since an exchange semester is not required at my home university, I primarily wanted to focus on improving my Japanese language skills, which have been low, when I arrived in Tokyo.

As my language skills were initially very low I got placed into the beginner's language classes, but exchange students are allowed to participate in other language classes as well, which is why I decided to participate in intermediate classes, in order to get used to the language and intensify my studies.

Gakushuin University supports exchange students by assigning an "Academic Advisor" from their department to each of them. My Academic Advisor has coordinated my timetable for the entire semester with me and even gave me a possibility to join all of his seminars, although Japanese students have to apply for a place in seminars. It was therefore fairly easy for me to get into contact with students apart from international exchange students and Japanese students who want to do an exchange semester/year at a foreign university. Attending those seminars gave me the chance to understand Japanese business philosophy and Japanese culture in general better and helped me improve my language skills, as the Japanese students attending the seminars were very eager to communicate with me and make me a part of their group.[more]

Another great and helpful program of Gakushuin University is the so-called "Buddy Program" where two Japanese students are assigned to each exchange student in order to help them out with filling out forms and documents. The buddies seem to be selected by factors both exchange students and buddies have in common (either they study at the same faculty, the buddy is majoring in the exchange student's first language or has done/plans to do an exchange year at the exchange student's home university). Exchange students can always go to their buddies and ask for help or just simply hang out with them and make good friends. They will definitely take a lot of time for the exchange student.

A program by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Centre is the "student assistant" program. Exchange students can sign up for that program and get assigned two local students who take an hour each in order to help the exchange students with their Japanese studies.

The "Centre for International Exchange" is also a great place to go to if you need help of any kind (from just printing a report there to help with documents or even in emergencies). The staff is always very kind and happy to help. It is also a great place to spend your lunch breaks in and meet Japanese students who are interested in intercultural conversations/discussions and want to make foreign friends.

The Campus of Gakushuin University is a lovely, spacious, but still cozy place where you can still hang out after classes in order to study. It provides a good studying environment as there are different facilities such as libraries and IT-rooms or students can simply study anywhere at the campus as it is a very calm and quiet place.

All in all, I think Gakushuin University provides very good learning conditions and excellent support for exchange students. I would recommend students, who consider applying for the exchange program, to stay for one year, instead of just a semester. It will definitely be an amazing experience!

Pierre GANDON (ガンドン ピエール) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Université Paris Diderot (パリ第七大学), France
Enrolled: Department of Political Studies
Duration: Sept.2013 - Aug.2014

友達がたくさんできて、毎日国際交流センターで日本人の学生、または他の留学生と文化交流がができてとても楽しかったです。フィールドトリップ (富士山、歌舞伎、文楽)が開催されて、日本の文化がもっと深く理解できるようになったと思います。
Au revoir !

Aurélien BANABERA (バナベラ オレリアン) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Université Paris Diderot (パリ第七大学), France
Enrolled: Graduate Course in Cultural Studies on Corporeal and Visual Representation
Duration: Sept.2013 - Aug.2014

I came in Japan to deal with Japanese experimental cinema of the 1960's in depth. Because of my exchange at Gakushuin University I have now a better understanding of this little known period and genre of Japanese cinema as well as better Japanese skills.
First of all I would like to start with Japanese skills. Learning Japanese was of course one of my goal. Indeed, I needed for the everyday life but moreover for my research. Japanese experimental cinema still remain an obscure part of cinema in Japan, and in order to study it Japanese skills are fundamental as most of the texts have been written in Japanese. Gakushuin University's Japanese language classes were of a great help for me in order to improve my skills. The fact that I was in Japan and talked with Japanese people were of course a great opportunity to improve my Japanese skills.
Secondly concerning my research and the documents. Gakushuin University has quite a lot of documents regarding cinema in Japanese but as well as in French and English, which was very important for me as my Japanese skill were, at first not good enough to read Japanese texts. Also through classes I, at the same time, improved my Japanese skill and learned more about Japanese cinema which was a great experience for me. Gakushuin University's cinema's classes were also a great opportunity to experienced Japanese scholars techniques. Especially the presentations were new to me, as in France we do not have those, and because of the presentations my speaking skills got better.
Then, thanks to some of the teachers, I was able to meet scholars whose field of research was Japanese experimental cinema which was of a great help for my own research. Through these scholars I was able to watch very rare movies, as well as obtain books from the 1960's. I also was able to meet movie directors and confront my ideas directly with the ones who actually made the movies and lived through the 1960's.
And finally I had the great opportunity to experienced Tokyo for one year.

Théo GILSON (ギルソン テオ) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Université Lumière Lyon 2 (リヨン第二大学), France
Enrolled: Graduate Course in Political Studies
Duration: Apr.- Aug.2012


Alice TAVARINI (タバリーニ アリーチェ) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: Alma mater studiorum - University of Bologna (ボローニャ大学), Italy
Enrolled: Department of History
Duration: Sept.2011 - Aug.2012


Antonio CASABURI (カサブリ アントニオ) Exchange Student (協定留学生)
From: University of Naples "L'Orientale" (国立ナポリ東洋大学), Italy
Enrolled: Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Duration: Sept.2013 - Aug.2014

私は昨年2013年9月から1年間学習院大学で、日本語(特に敬語)を学ぶ為にイタリアより来ました。 イタリアでの生活と比べると、日本の生活はあまりにも異なり、最初は戸惑うことも多くありましたが、 多くの日本人学生の友達、また親切丁寧な学校の先生の助けを頂き、この1年間とても有意義に過ごすことができました。